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Magimix Gelato Chef 2200 Ice Cream Maker - Satin



Clear lid allows viewing of contents as it processes.The amazing Gelato Chef from Magimix is ideal for making Italian style ice cream in a matter of minutes and as there is a built in freezer there is no need to pre freeze the bowl, you can entertain as many people as you need to with the Gelato Chef. This unique ice cream machine comes with a fixed bowl and an extra removable bowl for making any additional batches. You can choose from a wide range of tasty ingredients including fresh fruit and luxurious fresh cream or even frozen yoghurts, so that you can indulge yourself and any guests.The ice cream that you produce with the Gelato Chef will be ready in as little as thirty minutes, so you do not have to wait for hours or even days to enjoy the delicious result. Ice cream is always tastier when it has been home made, and your concoction can be made to order for yourself, your family and friends to suit all tastes. Simply pour the ingredients into the machine and carry on with other tasks for only around thirty minutes, then enjoy the unbeatable flavour of your ice cream. The ice cream maker is so versatile that you can make sherbet, bombes or sorbets with it, whenever the mood takes you. With the Gelato Chef quality, power and versatility are integrated perfectly so that you always get the best possible results, whether you are preparing ice cream or other tasty treats for yourself or for a large group of people.

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